
Posts Tagged ‘PR’

Public Relations gets outsourced for increased Brand Awareness

January 13, 2010 Leave a comment

It has long been understood that the objective of a PR (Public Relations) firm was to represent a business in their brand creation, target audience engagement, and brand awareness/ distribution. The digital age has brought an increased investment to public relations & campaign management, and more and more businesses are looking to create strategy that has a strong ROI.
The foremost of these changes for PR firms is in the utilization of BPO/ Business Process outsourcing. Already, the trend of outsourcing has found its way into major media outlets including Reuters, The Boston Globe, The Financial Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, and the Associated Press. Brand Consultant & BPO specialist, Rohit Barman, president of DPS America suggests that American businesses must “look to implement campaign design & distribution off-shore, while keeping the Art Direction in-house”. The additional capital saved can also be allocated for hiring strong Art Directors, engaging in paid press releases, organizing live marketing events, & other face to face interactions that must occur on-shore.

One possible site to take a cue from would be PitchEngine. The concept of this site is user generated Social Media Releases. These SMR’s take advantage of the popularity of Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter and allow the client to put together a pitch that reaches these sites. A BPO team is a strong solution for the distribution of such campaigns, as they can cost-effectively take ONE campaign & submit it to various internet feeds, social networks, media outlets, and other online distribution resources. Rohit Barman adds that, “the race to the top of the search engines requires a strong emphasis on distribution, and this equation can only be done with increased manpower

By Kevin Haggerty

Social Media, a gold mine for Celebrity Agent’s PR Management

December 21, 2009 Leave a comment

As a Celebrity Agent, there is no marketing channel friendlier than social media marketing, which allows one to create, develop, and channel a consistent PR (public relations) campaign for a comprehensive fan base. Here are some reasons:

  • Distribution of Campaigns – To effectively endorse the public relations identity of a celebrity, it is necessary to build a fan & campaign distribution base within the gossip-friendly realms of “social networks”. Social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, allow the traditional “word of mouth” to travel faster than ever before. A primary feature is the instantaneous contact with everyone in an established fan base. So, if a celebrity was planning to attend a premiere event like the opening of a new nightclub, an agent could easily geo-target their campaign my emailing the appropriate fan base to increase attendance.
  • Public Relations & Community Outreach – Social Network Marketing is also useful in promoting a celebrity’s charitable contributions, while increasing the popularity of their committed event(s). With simple one line “posts” or “tweets”, a celebrity agent can notify fans about the initiative, with details for physical and monetary support.
  • Celebrity “Face Exposure”- The rapid upsurge or Media Marketing creates a prominent channel for public relations management & campaign exposure. YouTube, the renowned media marketing giant, acquired by the mega-marketing internet search engine, Google, has contributed much to this internet marketing growth. YouTube is the 4th most visited website on the internet, and it allows celebrity agents the ability to create accounts, post videos, add search friendly tags, and communicate with fan base through a chat sequence similar to the likes of internet forums. With Media Marketing, you can create a public celebrity portfolio that creates, retains, and expands a fan base more effectively than ever before.

Internet Marketing specialist, Rohit Barman, president of DPS America suggests that celebrity agents get acquainted with social media marketing as it allows them to be the “speaker of their celebrity’s house“.

By Kevin Haggerty

“DPS’ 2.5 hour interactive training, Digital Promotions Strategy, beginning in January and based in New York City, is the first of its kind to incorporate the entire spectrum of creating, engaging & expanding an online network. Extracted from the internet’s scientific principles, the live seminar(s) will provide celebrity agents the knowledge, structure, and tools to track consumer/ fan behavior & campaign effectiveness – an internet marketing strategy that will give agents the confidence to manage their public relations campaigns more effectively than ever before.”